These past few months have flown by and have been filled to the brim with commissions, mostly secret ones that will be unveiled sometime after the holidays. On top of those exciting and meaningful projects, I have been steadily preparing for a show at Georgia Southern University in January with a ceramicist Lois Harvey. Here is a sneak peek of the body of work created for that space. The show will run from January 11 - February 13 with an artist talk on February 11 at 5:00.
I have taken a step away from realism for this show to address a pivotal moment in my life. History whether political, economical, visual or literary is there for us all to pull from - a reference tool. It is a place to build ideas upon the knowledge of mistakes and successes that others have made. I often find my work is drawn to representing the mistakes and pivotal moments that have shifted or changed my own path, my own history. There have been a few huge shifts in my life that have changed my role within society - becoming a teacher and becoming a mother. This work reflects my transition into motherhood.